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*NEW* HVAC - 250 Hour Program

ID : 80720   
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This program is a 250 hour program designed as an entry level course to provide a working understanding of HVAC and the essentials to become a successful technician in the industry and also count towarard licensing qualifications of the Construction Industries Board of Oklahoma. As an entry level program, the coursework strongly emphasizes skills encountered by apprentice technicians in the field. Where applicable, strong components of the current code is included for thorough understanding. 250 class hours. 

Class Details

72 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue, Wed, Thu

Gordon Cooper Technology Center

MultipleInstructor :
1.Bryan Gregg2.Neisha Haskins 



Please read:  This class is a blended style learning environment. Class material will be presented through lecture, online work while in classroom, and hands-on. Students will not set their own schedule. This class is blended and requires computer and internet access. Computers will be provided in the classroom.



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 09/19/2024, 10/10/2024, 11/27/2024, 11/28/2024, 12/19/2024, 12/20/2024, 12/21/2024, 12/22/2024, 12/23/2024, 12/24/2024, 12/25/2024, 12/26/2024, 12/27/2024, 12/28/2024, 12/29/2024, 12/30/2024, 12/31/2024, 01/01/2025, 01/02/2025, 01/03/2025, 01/04/2025, 01/05/2025, 01/06/2025, 01/07/2025, 03/17/2025, 03/18/2025, 03/19/2025, 03/20/2025, 03/21/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
9/10/2024 - 3/27/2025 Weekly - Tue, Wed, Thu 06:00 PM - 09:30 PM Shawnee, Gordon Cooper Technology Center  Map Neisha Haskins  ; Bryan Gregg  ClassRoom

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